Results for 'Elisabetta Di Minico'

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  1.  21
    Entre el malson i la realitat. Reflexions distòpiques sobre la societat contemporània.Elisabetta Di Minico - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 7 (2):143.
    Between Nightmare and Reality: Dystopian Reflections on the Contemporary Society Resum: Per mitjà de la narració de fantasia i de ciència ficció, la utopia i la distopia promouen una anàlisi crítica de la realitat. En particular, la distopia ens alerta de les possibles conseqüències catastròfiques derivades de problemes sociopolítics existents i contribueix a la reflexió constructiva sobre les amenaces antidemocràtiques que posen en perill la nostra societat. Aquest article examina la representació de l’autoritat, la coacció, la propaganda, la plasmació, l’espai (...)
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    Globalization, Inequalities and Justice.Elisabetta Di Castro - 2018 - In Johannes Rohbeck, Daniel Brauer & Concha Roldán, Philosophy of Globalization. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 123-136.
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    Disentangling the Dyadic Dance: Theoretical, Methodological and Outcomes Systematic Review of Mother-Infant Dyadic Processes.Livio Provenzi, Giunia Scotto di Minico, Lorenzo Giusti, Elena Guida & Mitho Müller - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Study Protocol for the Preschooler Regulation of Emotional Stress (PRES) Procedure.Livio Provenzi, Rafaela G. M. Cassiano, Giunia Scotto di Minico, Maria B. M. Linhares & Rosario Montirosso - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Estetica e oggetti quotidiani ?Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2014 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 7 (1):119-128.
    According to Hegel and to the romantic theory, Aesthetics is a philosophy of art. However, nowadays we can experience the beauty not only with art, but also with every product . So we can query if the realm of aesthetics should hold also everyday products and how this could transform the traditional aesthetic categories.This essay aim to answer these questions. It aim furthermore to sketch the product’s theoretical foundations referring to national and international debate which have dealt with everyday aesthetics (...)
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    Introduzione.Elisabetta Di Stefano & Francesco Vitale - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 58:3-4.
    L’architettura fin dalle origini è stata un’arte ancipite tra utile e bello. Nel corso del tempo tale declinazione si è variamente alternata, approdando da un lato alle derivazioni funzionaliste, propugnate in varia misura dai teorici del Movimento Moderno, dall’altro, in casi estremi, a quelle forme di architettura/scultura in cui la destinazione d’uso si annulla nell’esperienza estetica. Questo numero della “Rivista di estetica” vuole fare il punto sullo stato attuale del dibattito, mettend...
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    A Brief Inquiry into the History of Everyday Aesthetic Ideas. Care of the Home in the Thought of Socrates and Xenophon.Elisabetta Di-Stefano - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:77-98.
    Emerged as a new philosophical trend, Everyday Aesthetics shifts focus from Arts to daily practices and objects. However, its historical dimension remains relatively unexplored. Adopting a historical approach inspired by Tatarkiewicz, this paper addresses this gap by examining the notions of home care in the thoughts of Greek philosophers Socrates and Xenophon. Analyzing Xenophon’s works reveals how ancient concepts of order and beauty apply to daily life, enriching contemporary Everyday Aesthetics discussions on cleanliness and domestic care.
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    Fronteras y discriminación en el sistema global.Elisabetta Di Castro Stringher - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 87:187-201.
    Las fronteras han experimentado grandes cambios ligados principalmente al desarrollo de la globalización, la desigualdad de sus beneficios y el aumento inédito de las migraciones y movilidad internacionales. Este artículo se centra en la discriminación como uno de los grandes desafíos de la sociedad democrática asociado a la resignificación de las fronteras. Frente a las graves desigualdades y exclusiones que atentan contra la libertad y dignidad de las personas, se reivindica a la política, en diversos ámbitos y escalas, como posibilidad (...)
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    Devotees, a new ordeal and a sense of belonging: Ethnography and nethnography of saint Agatha.Elisabetta Di Giovanni - 2012 - In Giuseppe Giordan & Enzo Pace, Mapping religion and spirituality in a postsecular world. Boston: Brill. pp. 167.
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    DesignArt. Ibridazioni creative tra arte e oggetti d’uso.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 61:65-76.
    Oggi il mondo dell’arte si apre a un’ibridizzazione di forme e generi. La bellezza e la creatività, categorie fondamentali dell’arte secondo la tradizione idealistica e romantica, trovano nella vita quotidiana nuovi territori da colonizzare. In questo panorama di esteticità diffusa un fenomeno acquista particolare interesse: la DesignArt. La DesignArt costituisce un’intersezione tra due ambiti della creatività storicamente volti l’uno a progettare per l’industria oggetti seriali, utili ed esteticamente gradevoli, l’altro a ideare opere uniche e belle, ma senza scopo. Il luogo (...)
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  11. Límites de la democracia y justicia social.Elisabetta Di Castro - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (36):13-32.
    En este artículo se señalan algunas condiciones que son necesarias para el desarrollo y estabilidad de la democracia contemporánea, las cuales están vinculadas tanto al problema de la limitación de su poder como al de la justicia social. El texto está estructurado en tres partes: en la primera, se presenta un breve panorama de los niveles de apoyo que tiene la democracia en América Latina, destacando en especial las condiciones de desigualdad que hay en México; en la segunda, se analiza (...)
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  12.  25
    Migración internacional y derechos fundamentales.Elisabetta Di Castro - 2012 - Arbor 188 (755):503-511.
    Para el abordaje del tema de la migración internacional se requiere partir del proceso de globalización y del orden mundial vigente. Después de delinear algunos de los principales aspectos de este proceso y orden en el que se manifiesta el incremento del fenómeno migratorio, y en el que se destaca especialmente la jerarquización de los Estados-nación y sus correspondientes ciudadanías, se plantea la necesidad de la defensa de los derechos fundamentales de los migrantes. Esta defensa debe ser a su vez (...)
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  13.  30
    Desigualdad, exclusión y justicia global.Elisabetta Di Castro - 2010 - Isegoría 43:459-478.
    El proceso de globalización ha puesto en crisis al Estado-nación y ha incrementado la desigualdad y la exclusión en el mundo. Por ello, la justicia no puede seguir siendo pensada exclusivamente, como se hizo en tiempos pasados, a partir del estrecho margen estatal. Frente a la jerarquización de la ciudadanía y de los Estados en el nuevo orden mundial, una teoría de la justicia global debe plantearse a largo plazo la consolidación de un constitucionalismo global que garantice los derechos fundamentales (...)
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    Psychological Aspects Associated With Fertility Preservation in Oncology: An Exploratory Study.Valentina Elisabetta Di Mattei, Gaia Perego, Paola Maria Vittoria Rancoita, Paola Taranto, Letizia Carnelli, Giorgia Mangili, Veronica Sarais, Alice Bergamini & Massimo Candiani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectiveGonadotoxicity is considered one of the most distressing side effects of cancer treatment. Although fertility preservation can be a valid solution, it also involves a challenging process. A clear understanding of the features of women who decide to pursue fertility preservation after cancer diagnosis is missing. The purpose of the present study was therefore to analyze the personality profile of female patients referred to oncofertility prior to gonadotoxic treatment.MethodsFifty-two female cancer patients took part in the study. The Temperament and Character (...)
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    Factors Associated With a High Motivation to Undergo Fertility Preservation in Female Cancer Patients.Valentina Elisabetta Di Mattei, Gaia Perego, Paola Taranto, Paola M. V. Rancoita, Mariangela Maglione, Lisa Notarianni, Giorgia Mangili, Alice Bergamini, Raffaella Cioffi, Enrico Papaleo & Massimo Candiani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Fertility loss due to cancer treatment can be a devastating experience for women and the couple. Undergoing fertility preservation can be a complex decision from both a medical and emotional point of view. The aim of the present study was to evaluate which socio-demographic and psychological factors predict a high motivation to undergo fertility preservation.Methods: Fifty-eight female cancer patients who accessed an Oncofertility Unit completed: a questionnaire to collect socio-demographic characteristics and the level of motivation, the Beck-Depression Inventory-II, the (...)
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    Decorum. An Ancient Idea for Everyday Aesthetics?Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2021 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (1):25-38.
    Everyday Aesthetics was born in the 21 st Century as a sub-discipline of Anglo-American Aesthetics and it has spread in the international debate. However, the contribute of historical perspective has not properly explored yet. Is it possible to trace the history of everyday aesthetics before the official birth of this discipline? I will try and give an affirmative answer by focusing on an exemplary category: that of the decorum. Using the history of ideas, I will analyse the Greek concept of (...)
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    Caring for the Landscape.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 29.
    The essay aims to demonstrate that participatory ecological art focused on plant-ing, sowing, and cultivation serves as a means to promote a culture of environ-mental care. After exploring several artistic projects involving community engage-ment in landscape stewardship, the essay focuses on the debate concerning ges-ture and behavioral patterns. Finally, by examining artist Egle Oddo’s Performative Habitats project, it seeks to understand how art can influence the formation of new habits through both increased environmental awareness and repeated action, employing key theoretical (...)
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  18. Aesthetics of behaviour.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2023 - In Lisa Giombini & Adrián Kvokacka, Applying aesthetics to everyday life: methodologies, history and new directions. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Risk and Protective Factors of Psychological Distress in Patients Who Recovered From COVID-19: The Role of Cognitive Reserve.Maria Devita, Elisa Di Rosa, Pamela Iannizzi, Sara Bianconi, Sara Anastasia Contin, Simona Tiriolo, Marta Ghisi, Rossana Schiavo, Nicol Bernardinello, Elisabetta Cocconcelli, Elisabetta Balestro, Anna Maria Cattelan, Davide Leoni, Biancarosa Volpe & Daniela Mapelli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies reported the development of psychological distress symptoms in patients who recovered from COVID-19. However, evidence is still scarce and new data are needed to define the exact risk and protective factors that can explain the variability in symptoms manifestation. In this study, we enrolled 257 patients who recovered from COVID-19 and we evaluated the levels of psychological distress through the Symptoms Checklist-90-R scale. Data concerning illness-related variables were collected from medical records, while the presence of subjective cognitive difficulties, (...)
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  20. Questioni di giustizia e questioni di tollerenza.A. Elisabetta Galeotti - 1995 - Filosofia Oggi 1 (1):64.
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  21. I pensieri e il regno di mezzo.Elisabetta Sacchi - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (26):239-255.
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    Il contributo di Frege all’attuale dibattito sul naturalismo.Elisabetta Sacchi - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 44:135-155.
    In this paper I shall address two main questions, namely: (1) Is Frege’s criticism against psychologism still relevant to the present debate on naturalism vs. anti-naturalism? And (2) Does Frege’s suggested alternative to reductive naturalism amount to a variety of supernaturalism? After having provided an answer to the above mentioned questions (a positive and a negative one respectively), I shall consider three possible non-Platonist proposals as regards the metaphysics of what Frege called the “unactual-objective realm”: (i) irrealism, (ii) objectivity without (...)
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    Prospettive di teoria del linguaggio: filosofia del linguaggio, sintassi-semantica, pragmatica.Elisabetta Fava (ed.) - 1983 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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    A.F. Justus Thibaut e la "Purezza della musica": prima versione italiana di Über Reinheit der Tonkunst (1826).Elisabetta Fava - 2018 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore. Edited by Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut.
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    Il sublime: fortuna di un testo e di un'idea.Elisabetta Matelli (ed.) - 2007 - Milano: V&P.
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    Il vitello d'oro: l'uomo contemporaneo e l'idolo della tecnica: saggio di antropologia filosofica.Elisabetta Bovo - 2005 - Brescia: Cavinato.
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  27. Paradeigmata voluntatis: all'origine della concezione moderna di volontà.Elisabetta Cattanei & Stefano Maso (eds.) - 2021 - Venezia: Edizioni Ca' Foscari - Digital Publishing.
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    E. Marelli e G. Porro (a cura di), "Il lavoro tra flessibilità e innovazione".Elisabetta Gualmini - 2001 - Polis 15 (2):306-308.
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  29. Temi filosofici e teologici nell'Elegante Poema di Francesco Giorgio Veneto.Elisabetta Scapparone - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45 (1):37-80.
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    Un seminario su "Fonti e motivi dell'opera di Giordano Bruno".Elisabetta Scapparone - 1993 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 48 (2):395.
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  31. I metodi della metafisica platonico-accademica «generalizzante» ed «elementarizzante» nei libri «M» e «N» della «Metafisica» di Aristotele.Elisabetta Cattanei - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 82 (2-3):183-213.
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  32. L'approvvigionamento idrico di Gortina di Creta in età romana.Elisabetta Giorgi - 2007 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 28:1-28.
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    A proposito di interculturalità. Note in margine a due libri.Elisabetta Ruta - 2011 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 24:311-326.
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  34. (1 other version)Il diágramma di poliperconte E la politica in grecia nell'anno 319/8 ac.Elisabetta Poddighe - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Le pubbliche amministrazioni ei Cittadini: Appunti di un'analisi linguistica.Elisabetta Mauroni - 2006 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 59 (3).
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  36. In che senso si possa parlare di'sistema poetico'secondo Aristotele.Elisabetta Matelli - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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    La chiesa di San Menna a Sant’Agata de’Goti ,a cura di Franco Iannotta, Salerno: Arci Postiglione, 2014; Nino Zchomelidse, Art, Ritual and Civic Identity in Medieval Southern Italy,University Park : The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2014.Elisabetta Scirocco - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):156-164.
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    La trattatistica educativa tra Rinascimento e Controriforma: l'Idea dello scolare di Cesare Crispolti.Elisabetta Patrizi - 2005 - Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali. Edited by Cesare Crispolti.
  39. Per una rilettura dei libri M e N della Metafisica di Aristotele alla luce delle dottrine non scritte di Platone e dei loro sviluppi nel pensiero dell'Accademia antica.Elisabetta Cattanei - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 81 (4):543-558.
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    Another Argument for Cognitive Phenomenology.Elisabetta Sacchi & Alberto Voltolini - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (2):256-263.
    __: In this paper, we want to support Kriegel’s argument in favor of the thesis that there is a cognitive form of phenomenology that is both irreducible to and independent of any sensory form of phenomenology by providing another argument in favor of the same thesis. Indeed, this new argument is also intended to show that the thought experiment Kriegel’s argument relies on does describe a genuine metaphysical possibility. In our view, Kriegel has not entirely succeeded in showing that his (...)
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    Aristotele citatore, o, La riappropriazione da parte della filosofia dei discorsi di sapere anteriori =.Elisabetta Berardi, Maria Paola Castiglioni, Marie-Laurence Desclos & Paola Dolcetti (eds.) - 2020 - Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso.
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    Nietzsche: psicologia di un enigma.Elisabetta Chicco Vitzizzai - 2017 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Masters, questions and challenges in the abacus schools.Elisabetta Ulivi - 2015 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 69 (6):651-670.
    The mathematical scenario in Italy during the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance is mainly dominated by the treatises on the abacus, which developed together with the abacus schools. In that context, between approximately the last thirty years of the fourteenth century and the first twenty years of the sixteenth century, the manuscript and printed tradition tell us of queries and challenges, barely known or totally unknown, in which the protagonists were abacus masters. We report in this work on the (...)
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    (1 other version)La reclusione dell'infanzia. Com'č difficile crescere in cittÀ.Elisabetta Forni - 2011 - Società Degli Individui 40:42-52.
    Nel nostro mondo occidentale e urbanizzato i bambini subiscono forme di segregazione e controllo, al pari di altre categorie sociali altrettanto ‘scomode', perché ostacolano il cosiddetto ‘ordine morale del profitto e del consumo'. La casa, la scuola, i luoghi strutturati e sorvegliati delle attivitÀ del tempo libero, vengono presentati come il rifugio contro i pericoli della strada che č perciň interdetta ai bambini con ogni mezzo, compreso il coprifuoco. Ma la libera fruizione di uno spazio pubblico fatto di strade, piazze, (...)
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  45. Forme e formalizzazioni. Atti del 16º Congresso Nazionale della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio. Cagliari, 10-12 settembre 2009.Gian Pietro Storari & Elisabetta Gola (eds.) - 2010 - Cuec Editrice.
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  46. Giorgio Pannilini a Gortina: un viaggio letterario alla metà del XVI secolo.Elisabetta Giorgi - 2005 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 26:105-116.
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    Alle origini dell'etica laica.Elisabetta Grigioni - 1998 - Rivista di Filosofia 89 (2):329-332.
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    I coniugi Shelley in Italia.Elisabetta Marino - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 29.
    This essay sets out to investigate the Shelleys’ perception of Italy and the Italians, oscillating between heartfelt enthusiasm and disillusionment. As will be shown, P.B. Shelley adopted a more critical stance towards the population, while he unre-servedly appreciated both the natural landscape and the relics of a glorious past. Conversely, Mary Shelley was more sympathetic and convincingly embraced the Italian cause. The intertwined concepts of Italophilia and Italophobia will also be explored.
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  49. In what sense can we talk about a" poetic system" according to Aristotle.Elisabetta Matelli - 2011 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 103 (4):619-650.
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  50. Why it is necessary to speak of rhetoric in a systemic sense.Elisabetta Matelli - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 104 (4):725-754.
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